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peterjay45 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Regurgitated and Revamped > Greeting the Sunrise
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SEPT 2008 peter

Greeting the Sunrise

near Kamloops, British Columbia

The Lac du Bois Grasslands. Open range for cattle and home to many small animals including rattlesnakes the thought of which gave me the willies. :)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real15-Dec-2019 13:54
The light is amazing and the beauty at the top of the scale!
It is an amazing feeling to peer off into the distance!
Alexander Kazakov05-Mar-2018 08:58
Well done! V
bill friedlander10-Jan-2018 00:34
Bravo! Not much more I can add to what has already been said. V
Carl H. Johnson12-Nov-2017 00:24
This is the money shot!!!~V~
blizzard08-Aug-2017 19:06
perfect professional composition big vote
Allan Jay14-Jul-2017 04:29
Awestruck Peter. Amazing clarity and detail. Composition is
first rate!
Claude Gagnon13-Jul-2017 11:20
Wonderful, love it :)) V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)08-Jul-2017 19:30
Amazing! Vote
Patricia Kay04-Jul-2017 18:31
Absolutely fabulous Peter...Picture perfect I would say...BV
Range View 03-Jul-2017 21:38
This is a magical moment timed to perfection, outstanding Peter !! BV
joseantonio03-Jul-2017 20:10
perfect time for a great image.V.
Hennie & Lies Lammers03-Jul-2017 13:19
Outstanding landscape photo. Beautifully captured. V
Jean Chiasson03-Jul-2017 01:52
Splendid light composition peter
Buz Kiefer02-Jul-2017 16:45
This is awesome photography, Peter. Do you need someone to carry your gear? BV
Graeme01-Jul-2017 23:20
Outstanding landscape and foreground details, Peter.VV!!
Jay Levin01-Jul-2017 22:11
Outstanding texture, tones, and lighting, Peter. Excellent photography.
janescottcumming30-Jun-2017 20:46
A striking image. Beautiful work Peter!
Range View 29-Jun-2017 06:59
Beautifully captured image in this stunning light Peter.
Tom LeRoy29-Jun-2017 06:44
A masterpiece of photography, stunning results! BV
Gill Kopy29-Jun-2017 05:07
Ditto Marcia too :) Such a vast and peaceful landscape V
Carol How29-Jun-2017 03:33
Yes, I'm totally with delicately captured by your fine photography skills! The tones are a marvel!
Marcia Rules29-Jun-2017 00:08
We'd all love to say we shot this! BVV
globalgadabout28-Jun-2017 13:31
rapturous image...fabulous work Peter...yes indeed the presence of rattlers would be unnerving..
Neil Marcus28-Jun-2017 12:25
It is stunning. The back light and detailed grass make it glow. Big Vote
Kim28-Jun-2017 10:01
WOW it's beautiful! V
danad28-Jun-2017 08:31
Nick says it all ! A beautiful image. V.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal28-Jun-2017 06:21
Beautiful landscape image, love the view.
Nick Paoni28-Jun-2017 04:40
Colors, clarity, and composition all in harmony. The sunstar a real bonus. Terrific shot.