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peterjay45 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ongoing > Windblown
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04-DEC-2012 peter


British Columbia

This is an older image that hasn't been published before today.
It is a blend of 2 exposures.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Raymond Ma26-Jul-2020 22:57
This is superb Peter. Love discovering images in your collection that I have yet to see. V
bill friedlander10-Mar-2018 20:25
Nice how the dock leads into the frame. Good sense of movement. V
Milan Vogrin21-Sep-2017 13:45
Very nice compo. V
Sam Rua09-Sep-2017 19:30
Super comp and a really nice capture. Well done.
Graeme30-Oct-2016 23:36
I love the way that you compose your images, Peter. The sky is so dramatic with exceptional light. The perspective of the jetty is amazing too. terrific work!!!
Patricia Kay22-Jun-2016 22:05
A very beautiful scene Peter... BV
Buz Kiefer31-May-2016 22:58
Lovely composition and beautiful processing. Excellent photography.
GeneWard10-May-2016 03:33
Nice work!
Yiannis Pavlis24-Mar-2016 13:51
Very lovely composition and awesome light.
danad17-Feb-2016 16:27
A most beautiful composition : dynamic and perfectly framed ! BV.
Alexander Kazakov07-Feb-2016 15:10
Fantastic! V
Bill Miller07-Feb-2016 06:37
A very fresh looking landscape, and I can feel the breeze on my face.
janescottcumming06-Feb-2016 21:28
What a great piece of Art! The way the clouds and the dock work together to create this scene is a joy to behold.
Jean Chiasson06-Feb-2016 21:16
Wow great scene and harmony peter
Carol How06-Feb-2016 19:16
Marcia's observation is so true. I just love the sweep of the motion in this image Peter!
Marcia Rules06-Feb-2016 15:21
this carries me away! Fantastic sense of movement and grandeur; to be envied. BV
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal06-Feb-2016 15:12
This is fantastic, Peter the clouds are amazing. V
Tom LeRoy06-Feb-2016 08:49
It's just bursting with energy, the wind, waves and clouds are in perfect harmony. A masterful image, Peter.
Anitta06-Feb-2016 08:38
Fabulous shot, those clouds are just awesome.
Allan Jay06-Feb-2016 06:34
The sky is explosive here, Peter. I love the mood!
joseantonio06-Feb-2016 05:00
Fabulous capture. Love the way the clouds seem to be moving quite fast.
globalgadabout06-Feb-2016 02:18
pulsating, and captivating too..
Gill Kopy06-Feb-2016 01:50
Beautiful ! The 2 exposures really work so well here V