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Robert Peszek | profile | all galleries >> Color Red >> As Visitors to Colorado >> RMNP in June 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

RMNP in June 2007

This album documents our second trip to RMNP. Please visit our Colorado-2006 gallery to see RMNP in September. June==Early Spring in higher places around here and our trip was marked with falling snow, winter driving, road closures and all such nice stuff. The park combines awe of landscape splendor, excitement of spotting wildlife, and delicate beauty of alpine flora and is one very complex ecosystem. After short debate we have decided to combine all these categories into one longer set of pictures. This, we hope, makes for more interesting viewing with changing subjects but common overall topic: The RMNP.

As with other galleries here, annotations are in 2 languages: English and Polish. We try to tell a story with annotations. This information may contain nothing new to folks who visited Rockies, but many of our friends and family have not. We hope that you will find our annotations interesting.

My dad has accompanied us on this trip and was busy taking his own pictures. A good sample of his work can be viewed in this gallery:


[PL] Nasza druga wizyta w RMNP. Zapraszamy do naszej galerii: Colorado 2006 dokumentujacej RMNP we wrzesniu. Czerwiec to wczesna wiosna/pozna zima w wyzszych czesciach parku. Padajacy snieg, zamkniete drogi z powodu sniegu/lodu, przezylismy jedno I drugie. Park laczy wspaniale pejzarze, delikatna gorska roslinnosc z mozliwoscia spotaknia niektorych z jego licznych "mieszkancow". Po krotkim namysle zdecydowalismy sie polaczyc wszystkie te kategorie w jeden ciag zdjec. Mamy nadzieje, ze, w ten sposob ogladanie naszej galerii jest latwiejsze, przyjemniejsze i bardziej interesujace.

Podbnie jak w innych naszych galeriach, zdjecia sa podpisane w 2 jezykach, po angielku i po Polsku.

Moj Tata towarzyszyl nam w tej wyprawie robiac duzo, duzo zdjec. Owoce jego pracy mozna ogladnac w galerii:


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