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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sky and Beyond > Sunset Display
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19 July 2018 Sam Rua

Sunset Display

Tucson, Arizona

*** Best view at original size ***

A wonderful sky this evening.

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Neil Marcus10-Apr-2020 02:39
This is thrilling. I like the narrow strip of base to hold it together. "VVV"
Dave Petersen Photography22-Jan-2019 14:21
So powerful with incredible colors and lighting. Fantastic capture Sam. VVV
Range View 17-Aug-2018 00:05
That is an amazing sky! A special moment not to be seen again I'm sure, great work Sam. V
janescottcumming12-Aug-2018 12:40
What a sight! Very cool photo. V
Wim Ensie06-Aug-2018 10:47
Wow, Sam, this is a fabulous shot!!!
Carol E Sandgren03-Aug-2018 23:33
Drama in motion! Wonderful capture!
Tom LeRoy01-Aug-2018 13:41
A knockout skyscape, Sam. V
SLC_Images01-Aug-2018 04:51
Nicely taken, SAM..VT!
Martin Lamoon26-Jul-2018 19:34
Interesting sky, it could almost be a dust storm
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad24-Jul-2018 19:13
Such drama in the sky! V
Carol How23-Jul-2018 02:17
Fabulous sky! V
Charlene Ambrose22-Jul-2018 06:31
Fantastic sky! V
larose forest photos22-Jul-2018 01:10
This is drama at its best and most exciting! The sky is phenomenal and your shot of it is nothing short of outstanding. VV
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)21-Jul-2018 21:37
Very nice. V
Nirvan Hope20-Jul-2018 23:06
Magnificent. What a moment captured.
Stephanie20-Jul-2018 21:23
Wowsie! This is really gorgeous Sam! BV++
Don Mottershead20-Jul-2018 20:41
Amazing photo. Looks like the end of the world. V
Julie Oldfield20-Jul-2018 19:27
That is awesome! V
Blandine Mangin20-Jul-2018 16:30
superb sky ! v
John Vass20-Jul-2018 16:16
Wow! Amazing sky!
Nick Paoni20-Jul-2018 13:55
Absolutely gorgeous.
danad20-Jul-2018 12:49
Wow...fantastic image of a great moment ! BV.
Neil Marcus20-Jul-2018 12:39
Outstanding clouds. I like the use of the narrow foreground. "V"
pkocinski20-Jul-2018 11:55
Marvelous sky capture!
Zeeby20-Jul-2018 10:05
Marvellous capture! V
joseantonio20-Jul-2018 04:54
what an amazing view.V.
Tom Munson20-Jul-2018 04:37
Amazing sky, Sam. Great shot.
globalgadabout20-Jul-2018 04:36
truly astounding clouds...fabulous image Sam...V
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