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Rosanne Cleveland-King's Recent Galleries

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14-Aug-2023 14:07
NonScensicals Art by Rosanne
:: NonScensicals Art by Rosanne ::
08-Feb-2020 16:48
Macros of Butterflies, Bees, flowers, etc.
:: Macros of Butterflies, Bees, flowers, etc. ::
30-Mar-2019 18:05
Birds, Birds, and more birds!
:: Birds, Birds, and more birds! ::
30-Mar-2019 18:03
Kentucky Flowers and Fauna
:: Kentucky Flowers and Fauna ::
29-Mar-2019 18:29
:: florida_bird_and_animal_friends ::
01-Dec-2018 16:47
Cape Cod
:: Cape Cod  ::
21-Aug-2018 16:17
:: isabel_and_garys_dogs ::
29-Oct-2017 15:50
Dog and Cat friends
:: Dog and Cat friends ::
22-Oct-2017 17:52
Artistic Endeavors
:: Artistic Endeavors ::
13-Mar-2017 21:11
:: breakers_court ::
02-Oct-2015 21:30
:: shakertown ::
20-Sep-2015 22:03
Lighthouses from here and there
:: Lighthouses from here and there ::