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Peter Cameron | all galleries >> Previous pics >> 2007 >> March 2007 > DSCN0018.jpg
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01-MAR-2007 Peter




Nikon Coolpix L4
1/39s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso50 full exif

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guest 17-Nov-2008 01:53
You got Bigfoot....
Love it - and ALL the others.
You Are Good, man!
Sandi Whitteker12-Dec-2007 07:55
Ooo! Cold! Great shot of dealing with weather.
Jan Frode Aase22-Apr-2007 17:57
An excellent one, very well done. I really like this shot, and the presentation.
Jude Marion13-Mar-2007 14:30
Wonderful capture, Peter.
You get the sense of the cold, storminess of the day, and you are inside - nice and warm!
I love how the droplettes of water on the glass act like little lens.
Guest 02-Mar-2007 10:07
a bit eeri but I love it.
Abescat Charles02-Mar-2007 07:50
Good capture. Bien vu et bien maitrisé.
j>a>e>17 :):):)02-Mar-2007 07:35
pure alternative wintry joy :):):)
Guest 02-Mar-2007 06:53
Wow great shot and look like you got some wet snow.
Guest 02-Mar-2007 05:55
Wonderful catch and work. Voted.