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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 09/27/2007 191716
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09/27/2007 191716

I did a shoot with beautiful Cassie tonight. We went a WHOLE MONTH without a shoot! Dang! What's up with that?!? :)

FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro
1/125s f/22.0 at 38.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Saso Stavrev06-Jan-2009 08:53
Perfect light, perfect body, perfect image
Jvan Photography18-Feb-2008 06:37
Very Pretty
PauloCGama24-Jan-2008 14:57
wow this is just amazing.
v for sure.
Dallas Hyatt16-Dec-2007 17:16
Dude, this rocks!
Guest 16-Oct-2007 06:31
I dont remember a blue background ;)
BAS Photography10-Oct-2007 19:46
So beautiful! ~V~
Richard Calmes03-Oct-2007 21:13
Beautiful light and pose! V
Pedro Libório02-Oct-2007 21:08
amaizing work!!!
Dave Callahan Photography30-Sep-2007 22:08
Apostolos Tikopoulos30-Sep-2007 21:30
Excellent silhouette here. Outstanding work. V.
Jim's Atavistic Visions28-Sep-2007 22:49
What a great shot of a beautiful pose. V!... from Josefina
Ray :)28-Sep-2007 22:32
It had to be Cassie. One of your very best!
Marwan Habib28-Sep-2007 20:22
Just beautiful work and model as always.
Ahmed Shehab28-Sep-2007 17:15
amazing as always.
Guest 28-Sep-2007 15:22
This one is absolutely beautiful and the blue background makes it fantastic, our secretary said it looks like a James Bond photo. Mom
Darrel Booth28-Sep-2007 14:57
Paul, another excellent photograph. Same on you for waiting a month without shoot.
A question about the lighting in the photograph. I am guess a spot from the back of
a blue paper backdrop.

johnambrose28-Sep-2007 14:37
I am crazy about this shot. Gorgeous. It says it all. I voted.
John Lasseter28-Sep-2007 14:09
Simply Fantastic!!
Guest 28-Sep-2007 13:56
I agree!! Wow! One of your BEST! Very creative!!!!!! Love the blue background with the hint of white!!!!
Guest 28-Sep-2007 12:18
Wow1 one of your best!
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2007 06:52
Perfect (everything) :)
Guest 28-Sep-2007 05:45
SHE'S BACK!!! This is incredible...BOTH OF YOU!! Whew!! Nice guys!
Guest 28-Sep-2007 05:37
OMG! This is incredible, Paul! Great job!
Also, Cassie is amazing!