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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 06/02/2007 200241
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06/02/2007 200241

My beautiful nephew (the guy on our left), and his beautiful bride (the girl on our right) got married on beautiful Sunset Key Island (the dirt they're standing on) in beautiful Key West (that stuff all around in the background) with a beautiful sunset (that blue and orange stuff in the sky)!


FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro
1/80s f/3.8 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Paul Walters20-Jun-2007 17:20
Denise: I'm sorry, but I have very little interest in wedding pictures. I'm sure my pictures look the same as the pictures you and everyone else took. I'm more than happy to send a CD of them to anyone interested, but I likely won't post any more simply because... well... I've never liked wedding pictures! But I love your daughter and son-in-law!
Guest 20-Jun-2007 02:56
Hey, Uncle Paul. I know you made more photos than this. This one is great but I wamt to see more from Key West. I have seen Uncle Ed's pictures and the pictures I made were after the wedding was over. so bring it on and show me what you've got.
Can't wait to see them.

Denise Valentine Mother of the bride
Cagie 17-Jun-2007 16:40
WOW!!!!!!!! Look at the colors in the sky behind them!!! Wow! A lovely couple in such beautiful surroundings!!! Great shot, Paul!!! Let's do it again!
Ed Walters 11-Jun-2007 15:24
Cool shot Paul!! You did good. The colors are awesome!!
Guest 09-Jun-2007 23:14
Thank you UNcle Paul!! This is such an awesome picture!! You got some GREAT colors out of that sky! We had so much fun with you down there and can't wait to hang with you again! This is just beautiful!! WOW!! We are lucky to have had so many talented photographers at our wedding!! ;-)
Bill Ewart Jr09-Jun-2007 22:19
Excellent! Well done!~
Guest 09-Jun-2007 20:53
Dude!! NICE!

Very cool!!
Ray :)09-Jun-2007 20:33
Congrats to MeVeN and Amanda!