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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 09/22/2006 211849
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09/22/2006 211849

I dedicate this image to BAS Photography, who is the master of sunsets. :) This was taken one of the evenings I was in Maui.

Canon PowerShot S3 IS
1/1600s f/7.1 at 72.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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BAS Photography01-Oct-2006 17:13
This is for you Paul! Thanks buddy!
BAS Photography01-Oct-2006 07:36
Thank you Master! Without you and the inspiration you gave me everyday I couldn't make this trip into photography world! Thank you Paul! This sunset is goergeous! I love it! Big vote!
Guest 30-Sep-2006 16:45
This is GORGEOUS!!
George Christakos30-Sep-2006 08:22
Wonderful sunset with great colors.
Olaf Herrig30-Sep-2006 07:49
A nice sunset mood!