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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 08/27/2006 130004
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08/27/2006 130004

You'll NEVER guess what I had the pleasure of doing today! C'mon! GUESS! You'll NEVER get it!!! ...oh. Darn. You guessed right. Yup. I had the wonderful pleasure of photographing beautiful Katie today! How'd you guess anyway? OH! The picture! That clued you in I guess. :)

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BAS Photography28-Aug-2006 07:04
What a charming model! ~V~
Guest 28-Aug-2006 04:58
What a great smile...and what a great waist...MY GOODNESS!! Yeah...You know how to capture a woman's happiness, Sensuality, Goofyness, Whatever it is...You can capture it...And I just love getting to see what you capture! :-)
Guest 28-Aug-2006 03:46
NO WAY! I'm so excited about that... I Love Katie's constant glow of happiness.... a real genuine person... Can't wait to see more!!!! LOVE THIS SHOT!!! :) She is truly beautiful :)
Larry Horton 28-Aug-2006 02:59
I have been following your work for some time now. I find that you have a very wonderful way of catching happiness in your photos. Your models always seem to be relaxed and enjoying themselves. This beautiful model makes it impossible to look at the photo without wanting to smile with her. Magnifico! Keep up the wonderful photography, and thank you for sharing.