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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 08/19/2006 115014
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08/19/2006 115014

I love the energy, enthusiasm, and fun this picture shows. :) Jasmine is such a pleasure to work with! I love you, little FCOR!

FujiFilm FinePix S3 Pro
1/125s f/9.5 at 30.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jazzy 23-Aug-2006 03:28
Well FCOR I'd have to say that during this shoot u we're the one with the most Energy.....but....Why were there no popcycles?
Paul Walters22-Aug-2006 03:15
To James Bonner: hehe. :) FCOR stands for First Cousin Once Removed. This is my cousin's daughter. :)
Jim's Atavistic Visions22-Aug-2006 02:58
Very nice and loads of personality. What is a little fcor?
BAS Photography22-Aug-2006 00:30
WOW! So cool! ~V~
Guest 21-Aug-2006 13:46
Excellent capture, very well done!!!
Guest 20-Aug-2006 20:03
Yeah...This is a fun one for sure!!
Aristóteles Alves Ferreira 20-Aug-2006 19:54
Ela pode levantar voo...é um avião....Linda foto...Parabéns