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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 01/15/2005 151133
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01/15/2005 151133

This is AnaMarie. I set her up with her own galery, if you'd like to check it out. It's right HERE

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/125s f/9.5 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 09-Feb-2005 14:50
Difficult to say if it's the best out of that gallery but would certainly be near the top. Excellent model (very pretty) with good variety. The tones achieved with the S2 are spot on too.
Ray :)03-Feb-2005 19:08
Wow! So sensual and passionate.
Guest 26-Jan-2005 17:05
Dude I LOVE this one!!!
Cagie 17-Jan-2005 18:59
OMG! So gracefull.. so elegant! This is TRULY captivating! Bravo, Paul! Bravo!!
Guest 16-Jan-2005 16:54
This is so amazing! It is so different for you, and yet so Paul Walters! I say unto you Thankee Sai! It's a might bit purt! ;-)
Guest 16-Jan-2005 12:05
incredible art work Paul..her body flows like a dancer to music..