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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 07-18-2004
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Run away! Run away! It's the attack of the killer gold people! And worse than that, they all look like ME!!! RUN! RUN!! RUN!!!

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/125s f/4.0 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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CJ Morgan06-Dec-2004 13:21
Cool shot Paul.
Anna Yu29-Oct-2004 04:48
Hmmm, like King Midas. Cool.
Guest 22-Jul-2004 18:12
What scares me the most are those incredible white teeth ;)
Matias, Chile
Guest 22-Jul-2004 03:00
This is Art! Frame it and put it on the wall.
Guest 19-Jul-2004 19:28
Fab work!
Lara S19-Jul-2004 18:38
Cagie 19-Jul-2004 15:44
Nightmare multiplicity!!! That second guy looks really scarey! I wouldn't want to run into ANY of those guys in a dark alley! :) Good job, Paul, as usual!
Lou Giroud19-Jul-2004 06:47
New movie; "The Planet of the Walters" maybe, hahaha. Good picture, well done, Paul
Jvan Photography19-Jul-2004 06:46
Cheryl Hawkins19-Jul-2004 03:53
Wow, this is a very cool image. I love the smoothness of your gold skin. Very nice lighting.
Yann Pindeler19-Jul-2004 03:43
Great hues, and the cloning of yourself is very well done. Love it :)
gary becker19-Jul-2004 03:08
Tremendous image, Paul.
Herb 19-Jul-2004 03:02
jude19-Jul-2004 03:00
Now this is even cooler than the other one. I want to start sining "GOldddddddddd fingaaaaaaaa"

snootydog19-Jul-2004 02:49
wait a minute wait a minute... how come your tongue isn't gold? This is great. The lighting is fantastic
Guest 19-Jul-2004 02:47
I AM SO FRIGHTENED!! lol Very cool shot though! It looks like there are really a bunch of PAULS comming to get us! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :-)
Gary Winters19-Jul-2004 02:47
Wow~! I'm clueless as to how you did this, but I'm most impressed!