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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 06-05-2004
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So after a tough day of being out photographing women all day, I have to come home to THIS ATTITUDE! Max looks at me and gives me this serious attitude because HE thinks I should be HOME paying with HIM instead of out photographing WOMEN! Oh well.. What can I do?

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/30s f/4.2 at 56.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 09-Jun-2004 12:53
haha...he looks pissy
Guest 09-Jun-2004 09:23
I have a framed sign in my house that says " A house is not a home, without a cat". Glenda
Cagie 09-Jun-2004 00:30
This is an EXCELLENT picture of MAX! Wow! Any cat owner would be proud to sport a pic of their kitty like that!! AWESOME! :)
Guest 08-Jun-2004 17:32
It's all about jealousy. Max wants some piece of the action!
Are you sure this cat is not human?
Jude Marion08-Jun-2004 12:11
Cool cat! What a great face .. Yeah - he's got attitude!
Faye White08-Jun-2004 11:51
Great expression!! I love the close crop too - super!
Guest 08-Jun-2004 06:18
Hahaha... he looks bored! :-)
Nice shot!
Ann Chaikin08-Jun-2004 05:56
Well cat, what do you think he shoud do, photograph you instead of one of us?... LOL. This is one great looking cat. Love his expression. You can really see that he is related to a mountain lion. Ann
Dawn08-Jun-2004 05:41
Well, with this expression.. I can see why you kept the camera out.. hehehe.. Poor men, have to put up with Women & Cat idiosyncrasies. NICE one!
Guest 08-Jun-2004 05:31
Well Paul, looks like you can't stop with the PADs!!! All the better for us. Nice image, I love the look of the cat, So human like.
Guest 08-Jun-2004 03:55
haha u need to show him who's boss...either that or take him on ur photoshoots, im sure he'd LOVE beautiful women nuzzling him against them all day long lol
Joseph Tidwell08-Jun-2004 03:51
lol, my first thought when i saw this was,"Wow, that cat doesnt look amused." hehe, very nice lighting and composition.
Guest 08-Jun-2004 03:27
Haha!He so cool!!!Love his "I don't give a shit" look!Great photo!(^_^)
snootydog08-Jun-2004 03:19
Well, he carries his attitude quite well. My cats (who THOUGHT they had attitude) would be most jealous.
Paul Walters08-Jun-2004 02:54
Thanks for your comment! This is pretty much how the picture looked out of the camera, other than cropping and lighting adjustments. This guy's always good for a photograph. He's quite a character! And this doesn't just LOOK like an attitude, it really is! He gives me attitude way too often! :)
snootydog08-Jun-2004 02:51
this has got to be one of the best cat photos I have ever seen. Did you apply any sort of filter to it? It almost looks like a cross between a photo and a drawing. And oh yes, the attitude is priceless!