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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 01-22-2004
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If the eyes are a window to the sole of a man, then looking into my eyes reveals a soul hidden in darkness.

Nikon Coolpix 5000
1/79s f/3.2 at 10.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small original auto
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Guest 23-Jan-2004 04:26
Very cool. :)
Guest 22-Jan-2004 20:41
Well, I can't see your soul, so I don't know! What I do know, however, is that this is a fab photo - I though it was a sunflower at first, but then I realised it's the wrong time of year for one of those photos!!
Jvan Photography22-Jan-2004 19:05
Paul these are beautiful! If you did'nt say what this is it would be hard to figure it out.
Paul Brennan22-Jan-2004 18:46
Your sole might be dark; heck, it's always on the ground! But your soul is most certainly bright! Nice work. It looks like a closeup of a sunflower. And those sure are bright!