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Paul Lantz | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Switching Ontario Northland Mixed Train 622 at Moosonee tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Switching Ontario Northland Mixed Train 622 at Moosonee

A series of photographs illustrating some of the steps involved in assembling mixed train 622 ("the Little Bear") that ran from Cochrane to Moosonee until June 2007 when it was replaced by twice weekly freight trains and a five day a week (six in summer) passenger train. The mixed train ran three times a week in each direction. Switching in Moosonee is done by the train crew both the evening of arrival and the morning of departure. Freight is handled at the station as well as at the Moosonee airport, "consumer" (near the station) and commercial (airport road) loading ramps for vehicles and industrial sidings for fuel and other materials along the shore of the Moose River.
The Ontario Northland Railway line runs north from Cochrane to Moosone. In the summer the mixed train, which carries both passengers and freight, is supplemented by the Polar Bear Express excursion train.
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Early morning
Early morning
Starting switching
Starting switching
Heading to switch express freight track
Heading to switch express freight track
Pulling away from the express tracks
Pulling away from the express tracks
A boxcar from the express track rolls into place
A boxcar from the express track rolls into place
Switching vehicle loading ramp
Switching vehicle loading ramp
Pulling away from vehicle loading ramp
Pulling away from vehicle loading ramp
Flatcars from vehicle loading ramp head out before being backed into yard
Flatcars from vehicle loading ramp head out before being backed into yard
Passenger train with two sections of freight to the right
Passenger train with two sections of freight to the right
Last freight section coming from Airport Road vehicle ramp.
Last freight section coming from Airport Road vehicle ramp.
Backing in after joining two sections
Backing in after joining two sections
Almost in place
Almost in place
Engines moving forward to switch tracks
Engines moving forward to switch tracks
Picking up another section of freight
Picking up another section of freight
Engines head north with a section
Engines head north with a section
Looking north as engines head out far enough to clear track holding final freight section
Looking north as engines head out far enough to clear track holding final freight section
Joining last two freight sections
Joining last two freight sections
Freight switching completed, engines head to front of freight
Freight switching completed, engines head to front of freight
Freight and passenger sections at station
Freight and passenger sections at station
Engines take freight section across Store Creek bridge before hooking up to passenger section
Engines take freight section across Store Creek bridge before hooking up to passenger section
Convenient Photography Platform
Convenient Photography Platform
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