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Paul Lantz | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Attawapiskat tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Attawapiskat is a remote Cree community on the eastern shore of James Bay in Northern Ontario.
I have posted a few old pictures scanned from prints taken in the 1980s and 1990s, probably taken with a disposable camera.
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James Bay General Hospital, Attawapiskat Wing
James Bay General Hospital, Attawapiskat Wing
JR Nakogee School Attawapiskat
JR Nakogee School Attawapiskat
Koostachin and Sons Store Attawapiskat
Koostachin and Sons Store Attawapiskat
Aerial view of Attawapiskat from west.
Aerial view of Attawapiskat from west.
Aerial view of rapids Attawapiskat
Aerial view of rapids Attawapiskat
Catholic church Attawapiskat
Catholic church Attawapiskat
Houses Attawapiskat
Houses Attawapiskat
Attawapiskat First Nation  Band Office Attawapiskat.
Attawapiskat First Nation Band Office Attawapiskat.
A unique private home in Attawapiskat
A unique private home in Attawapiskat
Barge Arctic Ignik at Attawapiskat
Barge Arctic Ignik at Attawapiskat
James Bay General Hospital Attawapiskat 2010 on a cloudy day
James Bay General Hospital Attawapiskat 2010 on a cloudy day
Church and statue 2010
Church and statue 2010
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