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Paul Teixeira | profile | all galleries >> A Dutch City Hall and its inhabitants - a documentary series >> The Safety & Regulations Officer tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Safety & Regulations Officer

Anybody who wants to build or renovate a house or a building in the small suburb of Amstelveen has to submit plans to the Safety & Regulations Officer. The restaurant owner wants to renovate her establishment, housed in a historic building. If you click on the top bar ('A Dutch City Hall and its inhabitants - a documentary series'), you can see the other pictures in this series.
The Safety & Regulations Officer
The Safety & Regulations Officer
Inspecting the building
Inspecting the building
Inspecting the building
Inspecting the building
Discussing the renovation plans
Discussing the renovation plans
Discussing the renovation plans
Discussing the renovation plans
Discussing the renovation plans
Discussing the renovation plans