A Chinese restaurant owner in Amstelveen opens his doors and kitchen every year for a free lunch for senior citizens in the small suburb of Amsterdam. The Mayor is the guest of honor at this traditional happening.
If you click on the top bar ('A Dutch City Hall and its inhabitants - a documentary series'), you can see the other pictures in this series.
The hungry crowd gathers outside the Chinese restaurant 'Jasmijn' for the free lunch
The hungry crowd gathers outside the Chinese restaurant 'Jasmijn' for the free lunch
The hungry crowd gathers outside the Chinese restaurant 'Jasmijn' for the free lunch
The car park.
The Mayor and his wife arrive.
The Mayor delivers his speech (on his right the restaurant owner).
Everybody gets his or her doggy bag.
Saying goodbye.
The Mayor and his wife leave after a well spend lunch break.
The Mayor and his wife leave after a well spend lunch break.
The Mayor and his wife leave after a well spend lunch break.