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Paul Teixeira | profile | all galleries >> A Dutch City Hall and its inhabitants - a documentary series >> Handing the Dutch Queens medals to outstanding citizens tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Handing the Dutch Queens medals to outstanding citizens

Each year on the 29th of april, one day before the official Queens Birthday, the Mayor hands out medals to citizens that have distinguished themselves. If you click on the top bar ('A Dutch City Hall and its inhabitants - a documentary series'), you can see the other pictures in this series.
Awaiting the medal ceremony.
Awaiting the medal ceremony.
Guarding the medals.
Guarding the medals.
The Mayor
The Mayor
Chatting with the guests
Chatting with the guests
Delivering the speeches
Delivering the speeches
Proudly awaiting the medal.
Proudly awaiting the medal.
Handing out the medals
Handing out the medals
Handing out the medals
Handing out the medals