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Paul Teixeira | all galleries >> Galleries >> Various (editorial and otherwise) pictures - The Netherlands > Amsterdam 2003
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Amsterdam 2003

Amsterdam - The Netherlands

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Chusid19-Jan-2004 14:56
The thief wouldn't get far with that bike in the back with the bent rim! Good idea with the bright paint. - DC
Paul Teixeira10-Jan-2004 09:42
Hi Gary,

It's just a normal scene here in Amsterdam. Bikes get painted in rather vivid colours. The owners either like that or (in most cases) try to prevent them from getting stolen. Anybody who steals this bike is going to have a hell of a time trying to get around town unnoticed. :-) The colours in this image were not artificially enhanced. I actually toned them down a bit.
gary becker10-Jan-2004 05:20
What in the world? Paul, please explain what's going on here? LOL
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