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David Grundy | profile | all galleries >> personal >> Lilac tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


20081101_00146.jpg Preview g3/73/569773/3/89919137.Uwv32HKw.jpg 2007.06.02 into the past
500 20061001 130.jpg Startled at Angkor Thom All quiet outside Watching the moon rise
Early sun on the riverbank She climbed up to see the view g4/73/569773/3/63106862.kbWOWaAw.jpg Macro dipod
The wrong shoes Unobstructed view and wind Night bus full of girls Sunlit
Between the lights Reading Top deck thoughtful conversation
Pizza! Found some flowers 20060126 006 Bali 1.jpg 035 P6220344.JPG
08 David and Lilac at Flinders Island.jpg 09 Lilac P2040427 c.JPG 090 Aspendos P9206636 hhp.JPG 12 20040121 Chinese New Year
120 Termessos P9216757 hhp.JPG 150 Goreme - Water Pipe salon P9247040 hh.JPG 170 Kapadokya - ballooning at dawn with Ismael P9257336 hh.JPG 20040405 PICT0189 Erskine Falls  - Lilac hh.JPG
20050206 043 Mandawa - Lilac hh.jpg 20050208 184 camel ride - Lilac hh.jpg 20050913 129 Chamonix Mont Blanc - Lilac.jpg 20050914 125 Chamonix Mont Blanc - Lilac - Lilac.jpg
20050924 146 Venezia-48.jpg P9176244.JPG 20060402 007.jpg My Neighbour Totoro
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