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Patrick Elsass | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Maine Attraction tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Maine Attraction

My Maine Charm is a work in progress of nearly 1400 photographs surronding Bar Harbor, Deer Isle, Jonesport and the surronding fishing villages that were direclty in my path of my most recent photo journey. I wanted to get this started but please if you visit early, come back as I will continue to add new and wonderful views from this trip. I hope you enjoy. patrick
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Winter Harbor Lighthouse , ME
Winter Harbor Lighthouse , ME
 Maine Charm
Maine Charm
Coastal Maine Mission Boat
Coastal Maine Mission Boat
Bar Harbor, ME
Bar Harbor, ME
Bar Harbor, ME
Bar Harbor, ME
Fishing Lodge
Fishing Lodge
The rock takes a good photograph.  Quite steady.
The rock takes a good photograph. Quite steady.
The Margarett Todd
The Margarett Todd
Bubble Pond,  Mount Desert Island, Maine
Bubble Pond, Mount Desert Island, Maine
Fall for Maine
Fall for Maine
Seal Harbor, Maine
Seal Harbor, Maine
 Maine Charm
Maine Charm
 Maine Charm
Maine Charm
Bubble Pond, Mount Desert Island, Maine
Bubble Pond, Mount Desert Island, Maine
NorthEast  Harbor
NorthEast Harbor
The Margarett Todd
The Margarett Todd
The Margarett Todd
The Margarett Todd
Dory at  Dock
Dory at Dock
Jordan's Pond with sea smoke.
Jordan's Pond with sea smoke.
Margaret Todd
Margaret Todd
The Margaret Todd
The Margaret Todd
Jordon Pond
Jordon Pond
 Maine Charm
Maine Charm
Margarett Todd
Margarett Todd
Jordon Pond
Jordon Pond
Maine in the Fall
Maine in the Fall
Cadallic Mountian, Maine  * First  Daylight Oct. 9th, 2006
Cadallic Mountian, Maine * First Daylight Oct. 9th, 2006
Blueberry Barrens
Blueberry Barrens
Bubble Pond
Bubble Pond
Winter Harbor (Mark Island) Lighthouse, ME
Winter Harbor (Mark Island) Lighthouse, ME
Cadillac Mountain, Maine
Cadillac Mountain, Maine
 Maine Charm
Maine Charm
Somesville, Maine
Somesville, Maine
The Margarett Todd
The Margarett Todd
Rescue Dory
Rescue Dory
Jordon Pond without Fog
Jordon Pond without Fog
I wanna be a buccaneer..!
I wanna be a buccaneer..!
 Maine Charm
Maine Charm
Jordon Pond
Jordon Pond
Somesville, Maine
Somesville, Maine
Dawn  Cadillac Mountain, Maine
"Dawn" Cadillac Mountain, Maine
Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
Maine stream.
Maine stream.
 Maine Charm
Maine Charm
Cadallic Mountian, Maine  * First  Daylight Oct. 9th, 2006
Cadallic Mountian, Maine * First Daylight Oct. 9th, 2006
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