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Pathfinder | all galleries >> Galleries >> Small Towns USA > Fall Sidewalk Scene- Greenfield
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Fall Sidewalk Scene- Greenfield

Sidewalk in Greenfield, Indiana

I was taking some pictures of buildings and thought it
looked like a nice picture with this person walking down
the brick sidewalk. The main problem was he kept wanting
to turn around and watch me take pictures.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Greg Harp29-Oct-2006 02:04
Beautiful shot.
Martha Albuquerque24-Oct-2006 22:30
Very nice, Pathfinder. Beijo e voto para voce ;)*
Zak24-Oct-2006 09:23
nice sidewalk indeed, great pic!
Wei O'Connell24-Oct-2006 00:48
Very neat sidewalk! Beautiful composition and great DOF.
Guest 24-Oct-2006 00:44
What a neat sidewalk. Good capture too. I like how you can just see over his head the person in the distance.