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Ron Parr | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sony DSC-S85 Galleries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sony DSC-S85 Galleries

These are galleries of shots taken with my second digital camera, a Sony DSC-S85.
Asheville, NC & The Biltmore Estate
[ Asheville, NC & The Biltmore Estate ]
Autumn I
[ Autumn I ]
Carrboro, NC
[ Carrboro, NC ]
Duke University & The Sarah P. Duke Gardens
[ Duke University & The Sarah P. Duke Gardens ]
Autumn II
[ Autumn II ]
Odds 'n Ends
[ Odds 'n Ends ]
Early Work
[ Early Work ]
San Francisco
[ San Francisco ]
[ Seattle ]
Washington State
[ Washington State ]
Study in Light and Glass
[ Study in Light and Glass ]
Odder Ends
[ Odder Ends ]