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Mr. R | profile | all galleries >> Photos of Taipei Past >> Cars in Taipei. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cars in Taipei.

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u38/para_roy/medium/24905018.IMGP0087.jpg OOOH! A yellow disk brake... soooo cool! Not! Rice!
OOOH! A yellow disk brake... soooo cool! Not! Rice!
A nice Mercedes Benz Taxi
A nice Mercedes Benz Taxi
RX-7s are a rare comodity in Taiwan... The few that are here, are modded monsters
RX-7s are a rare comodity in Taiwan... The few that are here, are modded monsters
Porsche Boxster Cabriolet. Thanks to taxes... $100K USD
Porsche Boxster Cabriolet. Thanks to taxes... $100K USD
Another hard skinned shark. One needs to check the hood scoop for intercoolers always. Taiwanese are ricers at heart.
Another "hard skinned shark". One needs to check the hood scoop for intercoolers always. Taiwanese are ricers at heart.
RX-7 on the highway
RX-7 on the highway
u38/para_roy/medium/25062980.IMGP2242.jpg Sports Sedans that aren't in NA (This is an Alfa BTW)
Sports Sedans that aren't in NA (This is an Alfa BTW)
GC body style Subaru WRX Taxi
GC body style Subaru WRX Taxi
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