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Mr. R | profile | all galleries >> Photos of Taipei Past >> Taipei American School Class of '02 New Years 2003 "Suite" Party! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Taipei American School Class of '02 New Years 2003 "Suite" Party!

A Little Party for New Years with the Taipei American School Class of 2002. This set of pictures, taken the new year's eve holds a really special place in my heart because it was the first time i've seen a lot of my old high school friends, and unfortunately, i won't be around to do the same again this summer.

On a side note, the drinking age in Taiwan is 18, and yes, I am visibly drunk in a number of these pictures. But hey, it's legal mua haha!

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The morning after...
The morning after...
yeah yeah, i know i'm a scandalous mofo says henry. Cornell Dudes, aie!
"yeah yeah, i know i'm a scandalous mofo" says henry. Cornell Dudes, aie!
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