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Mr. R | profile | all galleries >> Photos of Taipei Past >> Taipei American School Class of '02 New Years 2003 "Suite" Party! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Taipei American School Class of '02 New Years 2003 "Suite" Party!

A Little Party for New Years with the Taipei American School Class of 2002. This set of pictures, taken the new year's eve holds a really special place in my heart because it was the first time i've seen a lot of my old high school friends, and unfortunately, i won't be around to do the same again this summer.

On a side note, the drinking age in Taiwan is 18, and yes, I am visibly drunk in a number of these pictures. But hey, it's legal mua haha!

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look in the background for something scary!
look in the background for something scary!
Wankstas.... i'm wayyyy at the back!
Wankstas.... i'm wayyyy at the back!
Jenny from the block!
Jenny from the block!
u23/para_roy/medium/10762231.IMGP0181.jpg These two have been friends forever
These two have been friends forever
awww, cute!
awww, cute!
Rebecca of UW
Rebecca of UW
Bev of UB
Bev of UB
The two inseperable buds!
The two inseperable buds!
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