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Mr. R | profile | all galleries >> Photos of Taipei Past >> Taipei Late Winter Break (01/07/03- 01/18/03) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Taipei Late Winter Break (01/07/03- 01/18/03)

These are a collection of photos from near the end of winter break. I personally find this set of pictures to be much more... in touch, since there were basically only five guys left....

A definite highlight og this time perioid is that of the time spent with my senior year crush Yuka. 6 months later after graduation she had only gotten prettier. Hahah, me on the other hand... Blah. whatever, crew is making me into a buff man anyway!

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What, you're lesbian too?! says Dara. haha just kidding!
"What, you're lesbian too?!" says Dara. haha just kidding!
u24/para_roy/medium/15440654.IMGP0403.jpg Trying to redo my great champagne shot from the other night... failed miserably.
Trying to redo my great champagne shot from the other night... failed miserably.
u24/para_roy/medium/15440657.IMGP0406.jpg Karen and Ray take it easy.
Karen and Ray take it easy.
u24/para_roy/medium/15440659.IMGP0408.jpg u24/para_roy/medium/15440660.IMGP0409.jpg
u24/para_roy/medium/15440661.IMGP0410.jpg Becca and I
Becca and I
This is the first time Becca has ever lit a lighter!
This is the first time Becca has ever lit a lighter!
Jay decides to document the occasion too!
Jay decides to document the occasion too!
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