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Mr. R | profile | all galleries >> Photos of Taipei Past >> Taipei Late Winter Break (01/07/03- 01/18/03) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Taipei Late Winter Break (01/07/03- 01/18/03)

These are a collection of photos from near the end of winter break. I personally find this set of pictures to be much more... in touch, since there were basically only five guys left....

A definite highlight og this time perioid is that of the time spent with my senior year crush Yuka. 6 months later after graduation she had only gotten prettier. Hahah, me on the other hand... Blah. whatever, crew is making me into a buff man anyway!

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Bandanna man. Haven't seen his hair all winter
Bandanna man. Haven't seen his hair all winter
Rebecca swa cute. Wait, she is.
Rebecca swa cute. Wait, she is.
The haloed angel. haha
The haloed angel. haha
We picked up Kash on a public bus
We picked up Kash on a public bus
Rebecca, you owe me a picture in front of a store sometime!
Rebecca, you owe me a picture in front of a store sometime!
Ayumi Hamasaki: Hot
Ayumi Hamasaki: Hot
Mercedes Benz Shit Class Convertible. For all you Americans: This REALLY is a Benz
Mercedes Benz Shit Class Convertible. For all you Americans: This REALLY is a Benz
Purple Shoes!
Purple Shoes!
Chilling at the Stadium
Chilling at the Stadium
It's good stuff, i know
It's good stuff, i know
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