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Phil Orgeron | all galleries >> Galleries >> my_favorites > Love at first bite
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Love at first bite

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Blandine Mangin27-May-2016 06:53
superb capture ! v
MarcViskens04-Jan-2016 15:20
very pretty shot
well done
Sam Rua22-Dec-2015 07:22
Very cool find and capture.
Nina Ludwig23-Jan-2010 23:51
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak03-Nov-2009 12:22
Fantastic shot! - lovers :~}}}
Larry Daugherty 10-May-2008 16:44
Excellent shot! Very well done!
Eugene21-Feb-2007 18:59
brilliant image
Guest 09-Feb-2007 11:23
Nice capture.. Voted
Terence 09-Feb-2007 04:50

May I know how do you shoot macro using your Canon EF 70-200 mm F4L IS USM lens?

Terence L
Tom Tom07-Feb-2007 02:11
superb shot.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 03:16
Simply incredible. I can't get over the clarity of the image and the skill it took to get this shot!
Guest 11-Jan-2007 05:53
Probably your best one in this excellent gallery, Phil.
The lighting, timing, color just perfect.
Michael Clay Smith14-Jun-2006 14:54
great capture. excellent lighting as well. got my vote!
Guest 06-Feb-2006 17:25
Cesar Fernandez31-Jan-2006 07:29
Simply amaizing!!!
What a great capture.
purpod30-Jan-2006 15:31
Xllnt capture, great macro, GMV2
carol j. phipps27-Jan-2006 03:26
Truly GREAT capture! Voted. Fantastic clarity! Wonderful timing.
Karen Moen27-Jan-2006 03:13
Increible shot. Great timing. Voted.
Guest 10-Nov-2005 03:49
Guest 08-Nov-2005 03:45
This is perfect!