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Phil Orgeron | all galleries >> Galleries >> my_favorites > Tower of Power
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Tower of Power

At morning twilight this isolated and powerful thunderstorm makes it way across the small of town of Grand Isle, Louisiana.

It was moving south to north. As you can see a lot of lightning preceded the heavy rain.

Glad I was standing a couple of miles west!!!

Thanks for looking. Comments welcome.


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mario .n19-Mar-2018 21:01
Simply Amazing !
peterjay4509-Jan-2018 03:22
Dramatic and so beautiful. Great capture of this dangerous storm.
Buz Kiefer23-Mar-2017 00:37
Remarkable photo, Phil. The lightening strikes are nice touches but that thunderhead is something else. The reflection off the Gulf waters adds so much to an overall great composition. Beautiful capture of nature turning ugly. Vote.
Walter Otto Koenig15-Feb-2017 18:08
Amazing image. Bravo! "V"
GeneWard31-Dec-2015 04:40
A very cool shot. V
William Hartshorn12-Nov-2009 21:52
Amazing Image...Great Capture!! ~VV~
Guest 08-Nov-2009 20:30
Stunning. Very beautiful. V
Chris Cox10-Aug-2009 02:54
Looks like you and Scott were there at the same time. Nice Shot! Chris
Larry Daugherty 08-Aug-2009 23:58
Beautiful shot, Phil! Looks like you picked a good time to visit the coast! That is a Tower of Power!!!
sschex08-Aug-2009 01:46
Super shot, Phil. you caught Venus in there too.
Guest 08-Aug-2009 01:19
WOW, think we saw the tops of this one this morning.!!!
Raul 08-Aug-2009 01:07