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21-JUN-2007 Paco López

Arriving to a new place.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
1/25s f/7.1 at 22.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
12316-Jul-2007 04:22
Beautiful. V
silvia marmori15-Jul-2007 19:32
luces, aguas danzarinas.. y que nos espera ahora?...
Ali Majdfar15-Jul-2007 06:26
Stunning! GMV
Lee G15-Jul-2007 02:55
beautiful scene Paco!
Robyco14-Jul-2007 21:26
Another great story of the photo-reporter starts here.......
Barbara Heide14-Jul-2007 20:20
beautiful scene! v
mario .n14-Jul-2007 19:22
muy bonito Paco ! V
Jaime González14-Jul-2007 18:52
Guenter Eh tiene razón, está quedando un documento gráfico, hecho con un excelente estilo, de las fiestas de San Juan. Enhorabuena, Paco. -V-
Ceya14-Jul-2007 18:49
Beautiful shot of the new place! So many fountains.. I can imagine their rush and the humidity they produce... V!
Guenter Eh14-Jul-2007 18:29
I really like the style of your reportage from the fair! Lovely entry to the next place PAco!
Fong Lam14-Jul-2007 18:22
Can't wait for more images from this new place, Paco. Nice capture of the fountain ~V~
Guest 14-Jul-2007 18:17
so beautiful, thirsty again.
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