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16-JAN-2007 Paco López

Tokaji 4-5-6

Samsung NV3
1/4s f/3.5 at 6.6mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
XiaoBernard9916-Jul-2008 13:28
In 1973 I visit Hungary and discover the Fantastic Tokay.In Alsace to day the using of Tokay name is vorbidden .
Eldar Kadymov18-Jun-2007 15:02
This is not fare not to share drink with friends, all bottles are empty !
carabias17-Mar-2007 17:17
Un excelente color y textura. Votada
Guest 17-Mar-2007 08:08
great tone, love the colors!
flowsnow17-Jan-2007 12:29
Lovely shot...:D If you were here....we could have a drink together!
Oblongo N'gue 17-Jan-2007 10:44
Sólo para entendidos.
Eric Carrčre17-Jan-2007 07:27
Cheers Paco :o)
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