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02-SEP-2008 Paco López

Parque de la naturaleza de Cabárceno. (Cantabria)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
1/200s f/3.6 at 55.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ellen Michaels23-Nov-2018 15:28
Lovely setting for this painterly image. V
bill friedlander22-Mar-2018 14:30
Great shot, the horn is amazing. V
Fong Lam22-Mar-2018 14:06
Excellent capture in a nice setting....V
Pepe Lugash22-Mar-2018 12:43
Really great shot..BV
borisalex22-Mar-2018 12:25
Beautiful habitat for them! v.
Blandine Mangin22-Mar-2018 12:23
superb ! v
joseantonio22-Mar-2018 05:32
me faltó un poco de tiempo cuando visité Cantabria.V
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