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Peter Zetner | all galleries >> Complete Galleries >> Plastic Lens Gallery > Art Gallery Exterior_2075.jpg
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Art Gallery Exterior_2075.jpg

Canon EOS 20D
Plastic Lens 1/2000s iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 04-Apr-2009 08:54
Wonderful, Peter, absolutely wonderful! BV!
Pawel01-Apr-2009 15:04
Extremely well done!!
Marc Demoulin18-Mar-2009 07:39
Love this sharp edge Peter! Well done. vVv
Jeff Real11-Jan-2009 04:59
This is truly beautiful beyond description ~V~
Aud Elise Sjøsæther22-Jan-2008 22:32
This is a piece of art Peter! BIG V
Guest 22-Jan-2008 14:20
Composition et couleurs magnifiques. Vote.
12322-Jan-2008 03:35
Stunning! :) V
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