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Peter Zetner | all galleries >> Complete Galleries >> Manitoba, Canada >> Winnipeg: Colour Gallery > Bus Shelter_2001.jpg
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Bus Shelter_2001.jpg

Canon EOS 20D
1/2000s f/4.5 at 149.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Pawel01-Apr-2009 15:05
Amaizing light and shilouettes!
Steve Morris24-Mar-2008 14:00
Great shot - not many photos of silhouettes in a bus shelter!! Vote
H2M16-Mar-2008 16:33
Excellent contrast. V!
Guest 16-Jan-2008 21:49
Wow! This is fantastic!! Great light!
monil16-Jan-2008 20:23
A real ambiance of our winter. V
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