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Peter Zetner | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Solar Photos (pre-2014) >> Omega H-Alpha Filters >> Solar Equipment >> Optics Design and Assembly > thumb_0788_b.jpg
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Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/200s f/6.3 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

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TNam 03-Sep-2024 06:08
It looks so great to me, I also build the system similar to yours, but I got many images of the sun (3 ones exactly) and I am not able to adjust the filters to get the wavelength. How do you remove internal-reflected images? I am so appreciated for your response!
Peter Zetner25-Aug-2012 18:11
The original intent was to use the eBay filter pair offered by eBay seller bjomejag (Omega Optical). This pair consists of a thick filter (narrowband + blocking) and a thin "cyan" filter (narrowband Halpha but passes some blue). I had some difficulties with the thick filter. It is a wedge design and different wavelength transmission modes are separated by a relatively small angle (restricting the field of view in the scope to the same small angle - beyond which you get overlapping solar images). The filters I used here are 2 of the thin "cyan" filters - no major problems with restricted angle in the fov.
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