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New Book "Around the World for Penguins"

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In June 2020, my second Seabird book has been issued: "Around the World for Penguins" (where to see all the 18 Penguin species). Hardcover, 21 x 27 cm. . Part of the revenu will be donated to BirdLife’s Marine Programme (Penguins).
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First-hand information “how to visit” ; Description of the 18 penguin species;168 pages, 300 pics
The book is a comprehensive guide to the breeding grounds of the penguins on :

* Antarctica
* The Falkland Islands & South Georgia
* Tristan da Cunha Archipelago & South Africa
* French Subantarctic Islands, New Zealand, Australia and their Subantarctic Islands
* South America and Galapagos

* Review NHBS:
* Review Donna Schulman, USA
* Radio-interview:
* ORIOLUS review(Belgie): Na het verslag van een jarenlange zoektocht naar albatrossen (Around the World for Albatrosses, 2019), brengt Otto Plantema dit keer in Around the World for Pingouins het relaas van een wereldwijde queeste naar pinguïns. In het boek dat 168 pagina's telt worden de 18 soorten behandeld, geïllustreerd met uniek fotomateriaal. Niet minder dan 300 kleurfoto's werden aangewend bij de realisatie van dit naslagwerk. Men kan het boek opvatten als een overzicht van de verschillende soorten of als een handleiding voor het ontdekken van pinguïns in Antarctica, op de Falklands, in South Georgia, in de archipel Tristan da Cunha (een afgelegen eiland van de archipel met dezelfde naam in het zuiden van de Atlantische Oceaan ten zuidwesten van Kaapstad), in Oceanië, Zuid-Amerika, de Galapagos…. Het boek is geen saaie opsomming of een kleurloze beschrijving van soorten. Neen, het brengt een doorleefd verhaal. Het komt over alsof elke soort telkens opnieuw "ontdekt" wordt wanneer men het prachtige naslagwerk opent.

* BRITISH BIRDS review(nov 2020) : After albatrosses, penguins are now the second most threatened group of seabirds in the world, with only five of the 18 species being considered as “least concern” by BirdLife International. Unlike the albatrosses, none are critically endangered.
This book follows on from the success of Otto Plantema's recent Around the World for Albatrosses. It is a comprehensive guide on where and how to see all the 18 penguin species. The format and design are like his other work and if you are one of those people who believe that “real birds eat fish”, then this book will be irresistible. The traditional approach to a subject like this might be via one of two routes: either a description of the world’s penguin locations or an assessment of each species and the main facts about their lives. Because each penguin species tends to live in just one or two areas of the world the approach taken here is geographical, and it works well. So, although the King Penguin is found in many places it is described under the chapter for South Georgia (where most people see it), even though the largest colonies are in the French Subantarctic. The same is true for the Macaroni Penguin, but in each case the species are given plenty of text and photographic space wherever they appear. The book takes us to the breeding grounds on Antarctica, South Georgia, the Falkland Islands, Tristan da Cunha, South Africa, the Subantarctic Islands, New Zealand, Australia, South America and finally, the Galapagos.Like many birders, Otto’s first encounter with penguins was during a visit to the Falkland Islands, after which he decided that he wanted to see every penguin species on their natural breeding grounds, and having achieved that aim he is well placed to discuss them. He even helped with surveys as a passenger on a research vessel to the French Subantarctic. All the photographs in the book were taken by him, and apart from the information on the locations and species, there are plenty of tips for achieving great photographic results. Just as this book was printed, news was announced that researchers had located 11 new colonies of Emperor Penguins using satellite images. That glimmer of hope needs to be seen against a background of challenge from climate change and commercial fishing. Other satellite images from recent years suggest that the King Penguin colonies on Crozet have declined by 88% over the past 35 years. Penguins need our protection, so it is great that revenues from this book will granted to BirdLife’s Marine Programme.
Keith Betton

"Around the World for Albatrosses" (same setup):
Chapter 2: Antarctica
Chapter 2: Antarctica
Antarctica -wildlife
Antarctica -wildlife
Emperor colony Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Emperor colony Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Emperor Penguins
Emperor Penguins
Chinstrap Penguin
Chinstrap Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Gentoo penguin
Gentoo penguin
King Penguins
King Penguins
Rockhoppers- Falklands
Rockhoppers- Falklands
Tristan da Cunha-Capetown
Tristan da Cunha-Capetown
Yellow-eyed Penguin
Yellow-eyed Penguin
Northern Rockhopper
Northern Rockhopper
New Book: Around the World for Albatrosses
New Book: "Around the World for Albatrosses"