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Bud Osterberg | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Shameema Jafferjee Esufali 16-May-2011 01:14
hey Bud! long long time ago we watched drank your home made mouthwatering pine coladas and watched colours in the fireplace in the sunset.. who am i .. lovely photos. great to see you totally unchanged!
Jessica Braverman Birch 08-Jul-2006 06:42
Of course I found you in cyberspace!
I miss you!
Jess (your OLD buddy - got even older last week :)
Dave Wyman02-May-2003 18:23
I enjoyed climbing pics, especially your Split Mt. pictures - I've been up it a few times, with friends, from Red Lake, and from the south side, too, going up the canyon south of Red Lake, kicking up the snow field on the southern summit, before down and upclimbing ot the northern peak (we even camped on the summit, once). It's one of my favorite mountains, and your pictures capture the feel of the place.
