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Johan Holst | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tungnahryggsjökull 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tungnahryggsjökull 2006

A happy crowd did the Barkárdalur to Skíðadalur ski tour during easter 2006. The most fantastic trip over the magnificent Tungnahryggsjökull with a stop in the hut placed on a nunatak
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Departure towards Baugasel
Departure towards Baugasel
Bassi looking pretty
Bassi looking pretty
The old farm Baugasel
The old farm Baugasel
The happy crowd
The happy crowd
Bassi not pretty
Bassi not pretty
Holamannaskard from Barkárdal
Holamannaskard from Barkárdal
The gang closing in on the glacier
The gang closing in on the glacier
The ascent of Barkadals Glacier
The ascent of Barkadals Glacier
Steep skinning
Steep skinning
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