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Oregon Legal Personal Plant Progress 2015 07 (Jul) 19 - 2015 08 (Aug) 14

Oregon went recreational legal on July 1 and I went to one of the many celebration centers and got free seeds. I sprouted two of them called Happy Girl. They sprouted July 19. One turned out to be male and I had to chop him down. But his high was the most supreme I'd ever experienced. His sister I named Julie and she had to be harvested today because her resin bubbles were peaking. This will be a series of photos documenting the germination, growth, flowering, budding, and harvesting for curing. The harvesting took place today, December 5, 2015. I will display my photos in 5 consecutive albums. At first (covered by this first album) not much action to show and so this first album is short. By the time we get to November's album, we'll have 30 photos to show, my buds. They produced the strongest and most cerebral high I've ever experienced from cannabis, and I only use it sacramentally.
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