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Jeffrey Lewis Knapp | all galleries >> Arizona Custom Car Shows >> Toys for Tots Galleries >> 2006 Toys fot Tots > 1933 Ford Hiboy
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03-DEC-2006 photo by Jeff Knapp

1933 Ford Hiboy

entry 154. 1933 Ford Hiboy Street Rod. Roger Hansen owner
383 small block Chevrolet motor. Arizona Club Dipsticks

This is the 2006 Remember When Cruise Association Toys for Tots Custom
Car and Antique Hot Rod Run to Wickenburg Arizona. The run is held
every year on the first Sunday of December. The next run is December 2nd 2007.

For information regarding RWCA go to:

Current events and activities:

Safe driving information web site:

Sony Mavica FD-100 ,Sony Optical 3x / Digital Zoom 6x
1/500s f/9.0 at 6.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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