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The crowd is shouting, encouraging that brave man who is trying to tame the bull by catching him on his shoulder and to hold on as long as possible. The bull is totally desorientated and tries to find the exit as he has to run between the living hedge of ecstatic men hitting his bump and all man and animal adrenaline is rising , everybody is trapped in that exciting feeling to throw himself at this furious animal to challenge all danger.
That's the feeling you catch as a consuming fire to all spectators near or far away, all engaged to that dangerous game, finally you need to shout it out, with all the people all around. Really crazy to watch this most exciting game, all for the honour to win a T-shirt as a jury qualifies the winnars.

Jallikattu or Taming the bull, an evenment happening with Pongal, the Festival of the harvest starting around 15 January every year.

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A new challenge. Into the bull's den The crowd at Paalamedu
Purple fury ... Dancing with wolves. Watching from a safe place.
Another good catch Got you ! Ochappan's attempt.
Jallikattu at Alanganallur Taming the bull. Policemen, your friends
Musiciens A free run A nice attempt
A good catch Trapped Do you wanna dance ?
A perfect catch Another catch A fraction of a second later
Touchdown Don't go near .... Down you go .... !
Jallikattu - Taming he bull Jallikattu - Taming he bull Jallikattu - Taming he bull
Jallikattu : a risky game ! The purple bull Vigorous young men
At bullet speed ... Taming the bull Make way ...
Irresistible Love ? Man to Animal The Core of the Game
What goes up, come down ... Kamasuthra with the bull Taming the man
Say hello to Mr Bull