I was a bit disapointed after this shot ...
I passed here with my bike on the way to Ochappan in Timmanatham and I returned seeing this wide view. Walking a few meters on the small path between the rice fields I kneeled down to shoot. The farmer noticed me from far and walked slowly towards me. Great, I thought, one more pleasant encounter ...
But my wishful thinking was swapped away when he came close.
Without even greeting he started immediately asking money, incredible, I was surprised. Maybe he thought that Anand, accompanying me, was a guide. That had happened more then once that he was harrased as such, so it was not always pleasant for him those awkward situations where again he tried to explain, but often Tamils don't believe other Tamils, they are supposed to lie always while a foreigner is considered to speak the truth as he is seen too naive to know how to lie.
Sure, if I would have been alone, he wouldn't dare to ask me money, even when he would hear that I speak Tamil too.
Shot taken at 14:12 while behind me the sky was still heavy clouded covering the sun. The air was rather clear after the rains from the day before.