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oochappan | all galleries >> INDIA Tamil Nadu >> INDIA Mamallapuram >> Mamallapuram Sight-seeing > Butterball
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India, Tamil Nadu, Mamallapuram

On the main hill behind the busstand in the center of Mamalla you find besides the eight mandapams or shallow rock-carved temples a dangerously balanced boulder named Krishna's Butterball after his legendary affinity for fresh butter. (see Bhagavad-Gita)

If you ever see this photo somewhere else, used publicly without my signature, know that is has been stolen, as the man in the picture is the real Ochappan himself and theft would disgrace his poor situation.
This extra note as theft was announced to me on a photo competition in Bangalore where it received the first price (legal action for restitution shall be undertaken).

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Guest 28-Jul-2004 01:35
do you know? Indians actually worship big stones, like this one, very good for TE