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9 March 2004 ¹ ² ³ oochappan ©®

Discrimination ?

South India, Tamil Nadu, Mamallapuram

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Guest 07-Nov-2004 22:54
This is real simple... don't go. Many museums in the US are free to all peoples of this planet.
oochappan20-Aug-2004 20:58
Dear Anand,
Thanks for your reaction and don't you worry I understand your reaction but please read more about this here especially the second reply of burdallet.
Anand Iyer 20-Aug-2004 16:55
Surely not!! Most People visiting India (and the tourists are mainly from Europe, America and probably the wealthier asian countries) can surely afford it! 250Rs is 2 days wages (minimum) for an average Indian and many earn even less! I agree fully with this "discrimination". compared to what you have to pay to visit a museum in Europe - this is peanuts!!!