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05-FEB-2011 oochappan ©®

Pots of Matigara


... so many pots waiting to be sold

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Vanessa 29-Nov-2011 08:38
it looks like the magic light brought this boy on the picture... a bit like a ghost...strange shot
Buba Jafarli12-Oct-2011 10:36
This sun beam creates a wonderful atmoshepre in this shot! V.
Johan Gerrits22-Jul-2011 20:36
Just brilliant, what a fantastic light, very beautiful Henk!!!!
Dan17-Apr-2011 11:38
Excellent v
Dan Greenberg24-Mar-2011 12:04
So many wonderful things occurring in one image. Fantastic story and composition. The boy's expression is priceless and the beam of light is the icing on the cake! ~BV~
GeneWard24-Mar-2011 03:50
truly fabulous. VVV
Yiannis Pavlis23-Mar-2011 12:47
There is time when you do not need saying a word!
Blandine Mangin21-Mar-2011 10:12
Amazing ! v
Jose Maria Patricio18-Mar-2011 17:38
Wonderful, that's a masterpiece. I really enjoy tones and light.
regi olbrechts18-Mar-2011 17:36
This is truly brilliant. I showed it to my wife and she fully agrees!!
regi olbrechts18-Mar-2011 17:35
Stunningly bright shot and composition of this beautiful boy in his environnement. Wonderfull. And what a fantastic light catch.
Vote. Big vote!
Milan Vogrin18-Mar-2011 15:40
Great image!V!