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Once Again

We fell in love with Once Again the moment we found her. Meticulously completed from a hull and deck by her previous owner, she is strong and beautiful inside and out. We changed the name from "Once Over Twice" to "Once Again" (it's a wonderful story I'll tell you some time). Now we are looking forward to happy times cruising Florida, the Bahamas, and possibly beyond.
Once Again
Once Again
Sail Plan
Sail Plan
Custom John Alden Center Cockpit Cutter (listing photo)
Custom John Alden Center Cockpit Cutter (listing photo)
On The Hard getting barrier coat
On The Hard getting barrier coat
Sail shot
Sail shot
Sail shot
Sail shot
Chart plotter
Chart plotter
Main cabin starboard
Main cabin starboard
Main cabin port
Main cabin port
Aft Master Berth
Aft Master Berth
Navigation Station
Navigation Station
Engine Room (I drool over the room to work!)
Engine Room (I drool over the room to work!)
In the lift - stern view with the original name
In the lift - stern view with the original name
In the lift - bow view for the survey
In the lift - bow view for the survey
Survey photo showing faded finish (now repainted)
Survey photo showing faded finish (now repainted)
Spindrift Sailing Dinghy
< Spindrift Sailing Dinghy >
Other Interior Photos
< Other Interior Photos >