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Bill Ewart Jr | all galleries >> Galleries >> Through the Trees > Pick a Tree Any Tree.jpg
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Pick a Tree Any Tree.jpg

Fir Balsam starting at just $7.98
I'll take one of those scrub Oaks in the back please!!!

Canon PowerShot S5 IS
1/40s f/3.5 at 12.9mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
pkocinski08-Dec-2008 01:36
I like walking among the still live ones at the tree farms...
Coleen Perilloux Landry07-Dec-2008 22:50
Christmas is coming too fast.
Jen Bixler07-Dec-2008 22:25 any that I can re-plant to make up for the 3 they took from my back yard last week???? ;o)
Guest 07-Dec-2008 21:25
it's coming on christmas... they're cutting down trees... like the angle here.. (a)
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